Subwork Shuhao


  1. The initial page model is designed.

  1. Android Development Skills: ListView, RecyclerView

Next Step:

  1. Learn more about UI functions to prepare for the updated design

  2. More Android Development Skills: Animation part


  • Page model requires Chinese and English displayed together. Or you can make option to change language like other apps. Do not include student ID. Beautify the app (previous demo is only for reference)

  • Suggestion: besides figma, you can also use android studio to drag the view to see the effect. Combine them together helps you design.

  • We don't need animation so far.

  • Next task: polish demo of HealthKit by figma and work on implement them.

2023.3.16-3.22 subwork_Shuhao

  1. Improved Page Demo

  1. Added personal page and landing page

  2. According to Huawei data classification, the report is divided into health report and exercise report

  3. Both Chinese and English pages are included

  4. beautified with details and images

Next Step:

  1. Add page switching function.

  2. Put the demo in the use of android studio

  3. Write a document to collect attributes and datatypes of each data

  4. The demo may still need polishing if more data need to be included


Necessary buttons are clickable to switch pages.

The initial prototype you can intereact with


Discover the demo given by Huawei Health Kit

Finishing the basic UI design features in the Android Developement.

Plan for the next step:

Coorperate with Jingheng, Beilong to figure out how to combine the API calling in the demo and the UI design together to finish our own Android App. (I am currently in charge of Excercise Report)

Figure how can we use this app to colloborate with the server we build from Platform group

Last updated