June Evaluation
Goal attainment
Finish most part of the reproduction. CloudyFL: A Cloudlet-Based Federated Learning Framework for Sensing User Behavior Using Wearable Devices
Do experiments on IID data.
Centralized softmax regression + MLP($84%$, $98%$)
FedAvg softmax regression + MLP ($82%$, $98%$)
non-IID data (give each clients different labels, $40$ rounds)
FedAvg + softmax ($52%$)
FedAvg + MLP ($60%$)
FedAvg + LSTM ($79%$)
FedRS + LSTM (also around $79%$)
Write $3$ simulation files:
First one: Do centralized and FedAvg, just mainly follow how the Author write, but convert torch to tensorflow
Second one: Rewrite getData function, which becomes time series and can apply LSTM/RNN
Third one: Rewrite all codes, re-split the data, rewrite softmax to be a restrict softmax in the last layer. In this stage, ML-models are easy to apply.
Read some papers.
CloudyFL: A Cloudlet-Based Federated Learning Framework for Sensing User Behavior Using Wearable Devices
Personalized Federated Recommendation via Joint Representation Learning, User Clustering, and Model Adaptation
Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
FedStack: Personalized activity monitoring using stacked federated learning
Skills development
Learned ML models
LR(softmax R) + SVM + MLP + CNN + RNN + LSTM
Knowledges are learned from
Dive into Deep Learning (https://d2l.ai)
A book
Ask others
Learned Federated Learning
Learned DP (here means differential privacy)
Last updated